

英語deつぶやき☆写真館アーカイブ - 2012年05月24日

The best way to study English is to live with English and you just have to
enjoy it.
日時: 2012-05-24 13:03 | 表示回数: 2,980回 | (個別リンク)
The best way to stud...
What's surprised you when you came to Japan?
- I think the way how polite people are.
For example, when you are talking, you don't talk directly that much in
日時: 2012-05-24 14:06 | 表示回数: 2,598回 | (個別リンク)
What's surprised you...
Your ability is promising because I am a good teacher!
日時: 2012-05-24 14:27 | 表示回数: 2,401回 | (個別リンク)
Your ability is prom...
I try to help the students to be aware of the differences between British and American english.
日時: 2012-05-24 19:00 | 表示回数: 2,408回 | (個別リンク)
I try to help the st...
早割10 & アンケートモニタ Wキャンペーン実施中 (詳しくはこちらをクリック)


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