

英語deつぶやき☆写真館アーカイブ - 2012年10月26日

Don't worry too much and you can relax while having conversation.
日時: 2012-10-26 11:55 | 表示回数: 2,270回 | (個別リンク)
Don't worry too much...
Put yourself in a comfortable environment that you could naturally absorb English.
日時: 2012-10-26 14:55 | 表示回数: 2,470回 | (個別リンク)
Put yourself in a co...
We can practice conversational English
with or without textbook.
let's enjoy learning.
日時: 2012-10-26 20:55 | 表示回数: 2,286回 | (個別リンク)
We can practice conv...
Teacher : Why do you want to study English ?
Student : Um, I'd like to study abroad, and...... It's a bit hard to
answer why questions even in Japanese.
Teacher : Why ? Haha, again why question !!
日時: 2012-10-26 23:27 | 表示回数: 2,341回 | (個別リンク)
Teacher : Why do you...
早割10 & アンケートモニタ Wキャンペーン実施中 (詳しくはこちらをクリック)


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