

英語deつぶやき☆写真館アーカイブ - 2014年01月11日

To improve your English the balance of all the skills is important. You
should work on your weak area.
日時: 2014-01-11 00:24 | 表示回数: 2,506回 | (個別リンク)
To improve your Engl...
Where are you heading?

I am running some errands.
日時: 2014-01-11 14:56 | 表示回数: 2,514回 | (個別リンク)
Where are you headin...
Every student is different, so we need to find what's best for you!
日時: 2014-01-11 14:58 | 表示回数: 2,628回 | (個別リンク)
Every student is dif...
Are you usually patient or impatient?
日時: 2014-01-11 17:26 | 表示回数: 2,515回 | (個別リンク)
Are you usually pati...
You can ask me anything in either Japanese or English.
日時: 2014-01-11 17:36 | 表示回数: 2,654回 | (個別リンク)
You can ask me anyth...
Typical mistake for Japanese, for example,
I don't have much problem. x
I don't have many problems. 〇
日時: 2014-01-11 18:16 | 表示回数: 2,559回 | (個別リンク)
Typical mistake for ...
The NY museum is much bigger than the ones in Ueno. I recommend it to anyone.
日時: 2014-01-11 20:36 | 表示回数: 2,545回 | (個別リンク)
The NY museum is muc...
早割10 & アンケートモニタ Wキャンペーン実施中 (詳しくはこちらをクリック)


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