

英語deつぶやき☆写真館アーカイブ - 2014年06月06日

You shouldn't use the word "foreigner". I think it's better to say "non-Japanese".
日時: 2014-06-06 12:24 | 表示回数: 2,234回 | (個別リンク)
You shouldn't use th...
How did you study English when you were a student?
日時: 2014-06-06 14:00 | 表示回数: 2,177回 | (個別リンク)
How did you study En...
What did you do in Hawaii?
日時: 2014-06-06 18:08 | 表示回数: 2,208回 | (個別リンク)
What did you do in H...
How do you say goodbye to someone you met for the first time at the meeting?
日時: 2014-06-06 19:36 | 表示回数: 2,296回 | (個別リンク)
How do you say goodb...
"We'll get you on board" means that they'll hire you.
日時: 2014-06-06 20:58 | 表示回数: 2,188回 | (個別リンク)
"We'll get you ...
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