

英語deつぶやき☆写真館アーカイブ - 2014年08月30日

If you don't know whom you are writing to, you can say, 'To whom it may
日時: 2014-08-30 13:24 | 表示回数: 2,325回 | (個別リンク)
If you don't know wh...
Find opportunities to use your English other than my lesson. Your friends don't correct your language. My job is to do it.
日時: 2014-08-30 14:38 | 表示回数: 2,159回 | (個別リンク)
Find opportunities t...
’Would it be possible for you to ...' is a polite way of asking someone to
do something.
日時: 2014-08-30 16:44 | 表示回数: 2,411回 | (個別リンク)
’Would it be possibl...
You found a good teacher!
日時: 2014-08-30 22:14 | 表示回数: 2,335回 | (個別リンク)
You found a good tea...
Pronunciation practice is important for improving your listening skill.
日時: 2014-08-30 22:56 | 表示回数: 2,205回 | (個別リンク)
Pronunciation practi...
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